Some ‘Carrie’ love

So I’ve been supremely excited for Kimberly Peirce’s adaptation of Carrie. I loved Stephen King’s original novel and am really excited to see what she’ll pull out of the bag – and obviously how it will hold up to Brian De Palma’s original film. Plus it has Chloe Moretz – and in my opinion, she is one of the most exciting young actresses in Hollywood at the moment.

Anyway, was pretty much frothing at the mouth to see the teaser trailer – which debuted at New York Comic-Con this weekend – and it has finally (okay, I know it was only a two-day wait, but still) finally appeared online. With a pretty awesome teaser poster.

Behold – trailer and poster below:

Carrie Teaser Poster

That’s pretty much it for today. Will be back sometime this week with a brief catch-up on my trip to the amazing Mount Grace Country Hotel and Spa.